Where is my linked retail registry?

If you previously linked a retail registry to your registry with The Knot and it is no longer showing, here are a few key items to check:


* Did you recently update your email address with the retailer and it no longer matches your TheKnot account? This may cause the retailer to unsync. If this is the case, let us know and we can help you reconnect your retailer account to your wedding website and registry.


* Is the retailer still hosting a registry service? From time to time, retailers make business decisions that mean their program is no longer offered. If this happens, do not worry! Most items can be added directly through The Knot Registry Store at www.theknot.com/registry.  Take a look and let our team know if we can help add a few items that you may not find at first glance.

* Did you originally add the retailer manually? (meaning it did not show up all on its own). If yes, you can try to do this again by entering the URL to manually link this retailer to your page. The products may not show, but your guests will still be able to link out to the retailer page to see all your intended items.


Any other reasons? Reach out to our team at help@theknot.com or by using the ‘Submit a Request’ form here in our Help Center. We will be glad to take a look and make sure your guests can see all the gifts you intended to register for before your big day!